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Annual Fund
The Annual Fund Drive, more than ever before, is vital to our continued operation of a Catholic Elementary School in Middletown. While we have made great efforts to take on additional fundraising events through The Festival, spring musicals, etc. we continue to experience a gap between what the school brings in and the full cost of operating its programs.
A Catholic Education is more relevant today than ever before. At St. John XXIII Catholic School, we develop the hearts, hands, and minds of young children, guiding them as they grow to understand their sense of self, discover their purpose, and form their values. During those formative years in our classrooms, our students build and shape a strong foundation for their future – one that will inform not only who they are, but who they will become.
St. John XXIII Catholic School, despite cuts in funding, continues to maintain our resolute commitment to providing our students with the absolute best educational experience that is possible. We continue to offer the breadth and quality of programs that we promise and you expect – most notable the finest teachers, a culture of innovation, and a community that ensures every child is known and nurtured.
The Annual Fund is the cornerstone of St. John XXIII Catholic School’s fundraising, the foundation upon which all other fundraising efforts rest. It generates revenue that supports core activities, program enrichment, school development, and nearly every aspect of our student’s education. Annual Fund revenues provide the extra margin of excellence not afforded by tuition and the parish subsidy.
Continue The Legacy
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What WE envision, YOU can make real.
We want to replace our sheds with a multi-purpose barn that serves as a hub for outdoor school events. Our dream barn will include restrooms, an office for The Festival, ample storage, and more.