Elementary Grades (1st-5th)

Elementary Grade Levels
St. John XXIII Catholic School First Grade students have a lot of fun! Math classes focus on counting forwards and backwards, addition and subtraction, even and odd numbers, and counting by tens. Word families, -ing words, and journal writing play a big part in first grade Language Arts. The curriculum follows the Archdiocesan Standards. Students attend Spanish, music, art, and physical education weekly. All students are one-to-one with laptops.
Second Grade is a very special year spiritually! We prepare for the sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion. Academically, we transition from the concept of "learning to read" to the idea of "reading to learn." In mathematics we spend time in all the strands: Numbers and Operations, Measurement, Data Analysis and Probability, Geometry, and Algebraic Concepts. Second graders learn lower case cursive. The curriculum follows the Archdiocesan Standards. Students attend Spanish, music, art, and physical education weekly. All students are one-to-one with laptops. St. John XXIII uses the IOWA standardized testing program beginning in second grade. This includes the CogAT (cognitive aptitude test).
Our 3rd Graders begin the school year reviewing addition and subtraction and quickly move into learning their multiplication facts. By the end of the year they master basic division facts. They learn about local government. In Science, they explore the engineering process and matter. Religion class focuses on learning the Apostles Creed and its meaning. Upper-case cursive letters are being taught and the children are very excited to use this skill! The curriculum follows the Archdiocesan Standards. Students attend Spanish, music, art, and physical education weekly. All students are one-to-one with laptops. St. John XXIII uses the IOWA standardized testing program. This includes the CogAT (cognitive aptitude test).
During the year, 4th Grade students grow in many ways academically, emotionally and spiritually. Following the curriculum of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the students are introduced to many new concepts. Students alternate between teachers beginning in fourth grade, allowing more specialization of subject teaching. Research skills in technology are introduced. Students attend Spanish, music, art, and physical education weekly. All students are one-to-one with laptops. St. John XXIII uses the IOWA standardized testing program. This includes the CogAT (cognitive aptitude test). Beginning in fourth grade, students can participate in W.I.N.G.S., a gifted program in Language Arts and Science, based on IOWA and CogAT scores.
The 5th Grade students learn much throughout their year at St. John XXIII Catholic School.In Mathematics, 5th graders master the four-basic operations with 3 to 4 digit numbers, decimals, and fractions. Students also acquire problem-solving and critical thinking skills as they approach problems with a multi-step process. In Science, students learn scientific practices and content through hands-on learning. In Language Arts, 5th Grade students learn how to use comprehension strategies while reading. Students also learn how to write for a variety of purposes and how to respond to grade-level text. Students have a choice of band or music during the school day, and choir is offered after school. Students continue with Spanish, art, and physical education. All students are one-to-one with laptops. St. John XXIII uses the IOWA standardized testing program. This includes the CogAT (cognitive aptitude test). Students can participate in W.I.N.G.S., a gifted program in Language Arts and Science, based on IOWA and CogAT scores.