
Athletics play a vital role in the development of youth. The school has a 17-acre campus on Manchester Road with a host of amenities not typical of other pre-k through eighth grade schools. The sizeable campus includes a high school regulation-sized football field and gymnasium, and this and other sports facilities provide St. John XXIII an exceptional athletic program.


St. John XXIII provides participation opportunities through the various sports teams:

Boys and Girls Soccer – Grades 4-8
Boys and Girls Basketball Grades 3-8
Boys and Girls Track and Field Grades K-8
Boys and Girls Golf Grades 4-8
Boys Football – Grades K-8
Girls Cheerleading- Grades K-8
Girls Volleyball- Grades 4-8
Boys and Girls Lacrosse- Grades K-8 (Run by the Falcon Lacrosse Club)


All of our sports teams, except Lacrosse, are governed by the St. John XXIII Athletic Board and are held to the same high standards of St. John XXIII Catholic school programs.

Week 1 Registration

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Speed and Agility



summer sport camps

Week 2 Registration

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Falcon Fun


Handbook for St. John XXIII Catholic School Athletic Programs


It is the purpose of the school to prepare students spiritually and academically for the future. A child’s courteous behavior as well as his/her efforts to maintain a “C” average are considered extremely important to his/her character formation and growth in self-discipline. We ask parents and coaches to discuss the following eligibility policy with their children and support our effort to help these young men and women learn to accept the consequences of their actions and mature into responsible citizens.

To be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities students in grades 5 – 8 must maintain a 2.0 overall grade average and exhibit acceptable behavior at school. All subjects on the report card are included in the overall grade average.

  • Out of school suspension automatically results in two weeks of ineligibility effective the first day of suspension. The principal may, at his/her discretion, declare a student ineligible based on that student’s behavior at school. The length of the ineligibility period may be determined by the principal according to the circumstances considered.
  • The grades and behavior of all participants in extracurricular activities are evaluated for eligibility at interim and report card time (approximately every 4 – 5 weeks.)
  • If a student becomes ineligible (either because of grades or behavior) his/her grades or behavior are then evaluated approximately every two (2) weeks. This gives the student every opportunity to improve and become eligible sooner.
  • Ineligibility results in the child being unable to practice with the group, or participate in any games, competitions, meetings, projects or other scheduled activities during the ineligibility period.
  • Coaches/sponsors are notified at two (2) week intervals of a child’s renewed eligibility.
  • Students and parents are notified by the school.
  • In order to participate in that day’s athletic event, a student must be present at school the day of the game. Students arriving after 9:00 a.m. on game day, or leaving early on game day may not participate in that day’s activity. This policy includes cheerleaders as well as players.

A student who is either expelled from St. John XXIII or withdrawn in lieu of expulsion will not be eligible to participate in any extracurricular activity sponsored by St. John XXIII Athletic Board.

team with coaches